Nejmeddine, M. S. & Carter-Ényì, A. (2023) "Roles of Themes and Schemata in Generating Musical Form: Examples from 18th-Century Portuguese Keyboard Music". Oral communication at the Galant Schema Studies Conference - Defining the Galant: Music, Style, Terminology. (online, September 30, 2023).

Nejmeddine, M. S. & Albuquerque, M. J. (2023). "Alberto José Gomes da Silva revisitado: vida e obra de um compositor português vanguardista". Oral communication at the 12th Conference on Musical Research, Real Edifício de Mafra (September 28, 2023)

Nejmeddine, M. S. & Carter-Ényì, A. (2023). "Computer-Assisted Analysis and Visualization of 18th-Century Portuguese Keyboard Music". Oral communication at the 25th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction (HCI International 2023), AC Bella Sky Hotel and Bella Center, Copenhagen, Denmark (July 23, 2023).

Nejmeddine, M. (2022). "Sonatas para cravo: uma imagem sonora da obra Memorial do Convento", Lecture-performance at  José Saramago: o seu penetrante olhar sensível e arguto e profundamente humano na Ciência, na Música e na Literatura Meeting, Cycle of Meetings Cruzando saberes com a Escola de Ciências e Tecnologia, D. Manuel Palace, Évora (December 6, 2022).

Nejmeddine, M. (2021). "Interpretação da Sonata em Dó maior (1 and.) para tecla de Pedro António Avondano à luz das novas teorias de análise". ["Interpretation of the Sonata in C major (1 mov.) for keyboard by Pedro António Avondano in the light of new theories of analysis"]. Lecture-performance at the  Jornadas do grupo de Investigação Música no Período Moderno do CESEM - Aspetos relacionados à interpretação musical (online, November 20, 2021).

Nejmeddine, M. (2021). "Música no Mosteiro de Santa Clara de Vila do Conde: Dados inéditos em torno de um Miserere de António da Silva Leite" ["Music in the Monastery of Santa Clara de Vila do Conde: Unpublished data around a Miserere by António da Silva Leite"]. Oral communication at the 10th Conference on Musical Research, Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra, Portugal (November 11, 2021).

Nejmeddine, M. (2021). "Música Portuguesa para instrumento de tecla acompanhado: Datação e análise da Sonata Prima de Francisco Xavier Baptista" ["Portuguese music for accompanied keyboard instrument: Dating and analysis of Sonata Prima by Francisco Xavier Baptista"]. Oral communication at the Simpósio Permanente de investigação do CESEM. CESEM - Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music - FCSH/NOVA (on YouTube), Portugal (June 24, 2021).

Nejmeddine, M. (2019). "Aspetos didáticos na obra para tecla de João José Baldi" ["Didactic aspects in the keyboard work of João José Baldi"]. Oral communication at the VI Symposium on the Paradigms of Teaching Musical Instruments in the 21st Century]. University of Évora, Portugal (May 16, 2019).

Nejmeddine, M. (2018). "Which Analysis Theory for the Eighteenth-Century Portuguese Sonata? Comparative Study between the Theory of Formal Functions and the Sonata Theory Applied to Gomes da Silva's Keyboard Works". Oral communication at the 8th Conference on Musical Research, Porto School of Education, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal (November 9, 2018).

Nejmeddine, M. (2018). "Analysing Francisco Xavier Baptista's Works: Attribution of His Last Keyboard Sonatas". Oral communication at the 3rd International Conference on Historical Keyboard Music - Authorship in Historical Keyboard Music, CESEM - Centre for the Study of the Sociology and Aesthetics of Music, NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities, NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal (June 7, 2018). 

Nejmeddine, M. (2017). "Evolução da sonata portuguesa para tecla no século XVIII: Estudo comparativo do estilo e da forma das obras de Frei Jacinto do Sacramento e de Frei Manuel de Santo Elias" ["Evolution of the Portuguese Keyboard Sonata in the Eighteenth Century: Comparative Study of the Style and the Form of the Works of Frei Jacinto do Sacramento and Frei Manuel de Santo Elias"]. Oral communication at the 7th Conference on Musical Research, University of Minho, Portugal (November 9, 2017).

Nejmeddine, M. (2017). "Caracterização da sonata de Frei Vicente de Santa Bárbara: Comparação com as características formais e estilísticas das sonatas portuguesas para órgão escritas entre 1750 e 1807" ["Characterisation of Frei Vicente de Santa Bárbara's Sonata: Comparison with Formal and Stylistic Characteristics of the Portuguese Sonatas for Organ Written between 1750 and 1807"]. Oral communication at the Historical Soundscape Meeting: City Soundscapes and Musical Patrimony, University of Évora, Portugal (October 27, 2017).

Nejmeddine, M. (2017). "Caractérisation formelle et stylistique des sonates portugaises pour clavier publiées au XVIIIème siècle" ["Formal and Stylistic Characterization of Portuguese Keyboard Sonatas Published in the 18th Century"]. Oral communication at the 9th European Music Analysis Conference (EuroMAC9), Strasbourg, University of Strasbourg, France (June 28, 2017).

Nejmeddine, M. (2016). "Sonatas portuguesas para tecla da segunda metade do século XVIII: Análise formal das obras de Pedro António Avondano" ["Portuguese Keyboard Sonatas of the Second Half of the 18th Century: Formal Analysis of Pedro António Avondano's Works"]. Oral communication at the 6th Conference on Musical Research, University of Aveiro, Portugal (November 5, 2016).

Nejmeddine, M. (2015). "Francisco Xavier Baptista: Novos dados biográficos sobre a identidade do compositor português" ["Francisco Xavier Baptista: New Biographical Data on the Identity of the Portuguese Composer"]. Oral communication at the 5th National Conference on Musical Research, University of Évora, Portugal (November 13, 2015).

Nejmeddine, M. (2015). "Analysis of Sonatas for Keyboard Instruments of the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: Formal and Stylistic Characterization of Francisco Xavier Baptista's Sonatas". Oral communication at the XXII Annual Conference of the Italian Musicological Society, Conservatory of Music "Francesco Morlacchi", Perugia, Italy (November 1, 2015).

Nejmeddine, M. (2014). "Principais formas de sonata no repertório português para instrumentos de tecla da segunda metade do século XVIII" ["Main Sonata Forms in the Portuguese Repertoire for Keyboard Instruments of the Second Half of the 18th Century"]. Lecture-Recital at the International Conference of Historical Musicology - Música de Corte no Espaço Ibero Americano 1750-1800 (org. APARM), Convent of the Capuchos, Almada, Portugal (October 10, 2014).

Nejmeddine, M. (2012). "The Sonata in Portuguese Works for Keyboard Instruments in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: Preliminary Investigations". Oral communication at the XI International Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music "Diego Fernández" - New Perspectives on the Keyboard Works of Antonio Soler, FIMTE, Parador de Mojácar, Almería, Spain (October 11, 2012).

Nejmeddine, M. (2012). "Aspetos da sonata portuguesa para tecla na segunda metade do século XVIII" ["Aspects of the Portuguese Keyboard Sonata in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century"]. Oral communication at the II Colloquium in Musical Performance Studies - The Performance in Context, University of Minho, Portugal (May 4, 2012).

Nejmeddine, M. (2011). "Tipologia da sonata portuguesa para tecla na segunda metade do século XVIII: O manuscrito Vm7 4874 da Biblioteca Nacional de França e as edições setecentistas" ["Typology of the Portuguese Keyboard Sonata in the Second Half of the Eighteenth Century: The Manuscript Vm7 4874 of the National Library of France and the Eighteenth-Century Editions"]. Oral communicatio at the II International Symposium of Historical Musicology - D. Maria Bárbara de Bragança (1711-1758) - Infanta de Portugal / Rainha de Espanha (org. APARM), Convent of the Capuchos, Almada, Portugal (October 1, 2011).

Nejmeddine, M. (2010). "Manual para o Curso Básico de Cravo com repertório português do século XVIII" ["Manual for the Basic Harpsichord Course with Portuguese Repertoire of the Eighteenth Century"]. Oral communication at the Colloquium in Musical Performance Studies - The Performance in Context, University of Minho, Portugal (June 18, 2010).

Nejmeddine, M. (2007). "Las Sonatas de Alberto José Gomes da Silva" ["The Sonatas of Alberto José Gomes da Silva"]. Lecture-Recital at the VIII International Symposium on Spanish Keyboard Music "Diego Fernández" - Domenico Scarlatti en España (II): La Conexión Portuguesa, FIMTE, Castle of Jesus Nazareno, Garrucha, Almería, Spain (October 13, 2007).

Nejmeddine, M. (2007). "Las Sonatas de Alberto José Gomes da Silva". Conferência-Concerto no VIII Symposium Internacional de Música de Tecla Española "Diego Fernández" - Domenico Scarlatti en España (II): La Conexión Portuguesa , FIMTE, Castillo de Jesús Nazareno, Garrucha, Almería, Espanha (13 outubro 2007).

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